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Approval Workflow

Approval Workflow has the following menus:

The following 5 use cases were created based on the Standard LinkSOFT DEMO system. These examples can be used to demonstrate how Approval Workflow can be used in combination with Sequences to configure complex Approval workflows.

User Case 1: Employee E013 enters a time entry that needs to be approved by three people in sequence.
1. Create a Workflow named: Time Approver. Add these three users
    a. Amanda Clinton. NOT AN EMPLOYEE. Username: A006. Sequence: 1
    b. Allison Parkinson. Employee Code: E029. Username: allison. Sequence: 2
    c. Allison Jane Hill. Employee Code: E019. Username: E019. Sequence: 3
2. Employee: Alan Arthur. Employee Code: E013. Edit the user and change the Time Management approver to Time Approver. Menu: “Global Administration ~> User Maintenance” (Workflow Tab).
3. Ensure all users have access to the role “Employee Self Serve” as this will be needed to access Menu “Time Approval”

1. Create a time entry for employee E013. Submit this time entry. Time entry status: “Submitted”
2. Log in as user: A006. Approve the time. Time entry status: “Approval in progress”
3. Log in as user: allison. Approve the time. Time entry status: “Approval in progress”
4. Log in as user: E019. Approve the time. Time entry status: “Approved”

1. Details of Approval Requirements and Logs are available in the “Time View - Day ~> Detail Section”, Tab Name: Time Entry Log

User Case 2:  Employee E013 enters a time entry that needs to be approved by any one of three people.
1. Employee: E013 Alan Arthur
2. Change Workflow: Time Approver as follows:
    a. Amanda Clinton. NOT AN EMPLOYEE. Username: A006. Sequence: 0
    b. Allison Parkinson. Employee Code: E029. Username: allison. Sequence: 0
    c. Allison Jane Hill. Employee Code: E019. Username: E019. Sequence: 0

1. Create a time entry for employee E013. Submit this time entry. Time entry status: “Submitted”
2. Log in as user: A006, Allison or E019. Approve the time. Time entry status: “Approved”

User Case 3: Employee E013 enters an Expense entry that needs to be approved by three people from the TIME workflow,  in sequence, followed by three people from the CLAIM workflow, in sequence
1. Employee: E013 Alan Arthur
2. Create a workflow named: Claim Approver as follows:
    a. Anthony August. Employee Code: E066. Username: E066. Sequence: 1
    b. Chris Warner. Employee Code: E068. Username: E068. Sequence: 2
    c. Amanda Clinton. NOT AN EMPLOYEE. Username: A006. Sequence: 3
3. “Time Management ~> Time Setup”. Add an activity called “Medical”. Set the Workflow to “Claim Approver”. Set: Override Workflow as Unticked.
4. Change workflow: Time Approver as follows:
    a. Amanda Clinton. NOT AN EMPLOYEE. Username: A006. Sequence: 1
    b. Allison Parkinson. Employee Code: E029. Username: allison. Sequence: 2
    c. Allison Jane Hill. Employee Code: E019. Username: E019. Sequence: 3

1. Create an expense entry (using the configured Activity) for employee E013. Submit this time entry. Time entry status: “Submitted”
2. Log in as user: A006. Approve the time. Time entry status: “Approval in progress”
3. Log in as user: allison. Approve the time. Time entry status: “Approval in progress”
4. Log in as user: E019. Approve the time. Time entry status: “Approval in progress”
5. Log in as user: E066. Approve the time. Time entry status: “Approval in progress”
6. Log in as user: E068. Approve the time. Time entry status: “Approval in progress”
7. Log in as user: A006. Approve the time. Time entry status: “Approved”

User Case 4: Employee E013 enters an Expense entry that needs to be approved by anyone from the TIME workflow, followed by three people from the CLAIM workflow, in sequence
1. Employee: E013 Alan Arthur
2. Change workflow: Time Approver as follows:
    a. Amanda Clinton. NOT AN EMPLOYEE. Username: A006. Sequence: 0
    b. Allison Parkinson. Employee Code: E029. Username: allison. Sequence: 0
    c. Allison Jane Hill. Employee Code: E019. Username: E019. Sequence: 0
3. Change workflow named: Claim Approver as follows:
    a. Anthony August. Employee Code: E066. Username: E066. Sequence: 1
    b. Chris Warner. Employee Code: E068. Username: E068. Sequence: 2
    c. Amanda Clinton. NOT AN EMPLOYEE. Username: A006. Sequence: 3

1. Create an expense entry (using the configured Activity) for employee E013. Submit this time entry. Time entry status: “Submitted”
2. Log in as user: A006, Allison or E019. Approve the time. Time entry status: “Approved”
3. Log in as user: E066. Approve the time. Time entry status: “Approval in progress”
4. Log in as user: E068. Approve the time. Time entry status: “Approval in progress”
5. Log in as user: A006. Approve the time. Time entry status: “Approved”

User Case 5: Employee E013 enters an Expense entry that needs to be approved by three people from the CLAIM workflow, in sequence. We want to Bypass the Time Entry Workflow.
1. Employee: E013 Alan Arthur
2. “Time Management ~> Time Setup”. Add an activity called “Medical”. Set the Workflow to “Claim”. Set: Override Workflow as Ticked.
3. Verify the workflow named: Claim Approver is as follows:
    a. Anthony August. Employee Code: E066. Username: E066. Sequence 1
    b. Chris Warner. Employee Code: E068. Username: E068. Sequence 2
    c. Amanda Clinton. NOT AN EMPLOYEE. Username: A006. Sequence 3

1 Create an expense entry (using the configured Activity) for employee E013. Submit this time entry. Time entry status: “Submitted”
2. Log in as user: E066. Approve the time. Time entry status: “Approval in progress”
3. Log in as user: E068. Approve the time. Time entry status: “Approval in progress”
4. Log in as user: A006. Approve the time. Time entry status: “Approved”